Final music video

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Halfway feedback presentations for other groups

Class halfway feedback for other groups

Overall Stage Presence, Confidence/talent/personality
Came across as a confident band, very well thought through presentation with each person taking turns to talk. Seem to know what they are about and great image.
Music Video idea  
Didn't explain their idea which was a let down as we were looking forward to seeing how they work with the song :)

Love the idea for the digipak, some more images of the band would have been great.

Music Genre
They explain that they're a electronic, alternative group in the opening.

Unique selling point 
They explain that the group consists of 2 boys and 2 girls which isn't commonly seen in the music industry.

Any other comments? what are they doing well?
Seem organised with their image, just need to sort out music video idea :)

Artist Profile
Not a lot about the actual artist; build a profile through interviews etc, as images not enough to be recognized as successful artist
Music video
More concept/performance based. Strange idea, will be very difficult to pull off, but will look amazing if you manage it
Not shown, Facebook looks okay, maybe change the banner?
Unique selling point
Not a lot of popular psychedelic artists in today’s society
Any other comments? what are they doing well?
Build a profile for Cosmo by staging interviews, building a graphically successful website

Alex Echo                        
Artist Profile
A lot of background information on Echo, good background as an indie artist, more pictures perhaps
Music video
Graphic match of people’s story lines joining up, good idea, but not very well explained
Twitter feed strong; lots of photos and posts
Unique selling point
Indie singer songwriter from Essex is pretty unique
Any other comments? what are they doing well?
Perhaps hold a few photo shoots

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